Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 22 (Don't Slow Down...)

Hello from Queen Creek!
It was a nice week here in the creek. Yesterday I went on exchanges with my Zone Leader in my Area. That meant that I was the only one who kind've knew how to speak spanish. Hehe, personally, I enjoyed the experience because it gave me a chance to see where I'm at doctrinally and linguistically. Elder Lee almost fell asleep in a couple of lessons because he knew nothing of what we were saying. Easter Pageant is coming up and I believe I will be going. I'm pretty excited. Things are also going along well for Laura and Vanessa. They will be baptized soon. They are both very special and very prepared people. It's funny to notice the "swings" that one goes through out here. Some weeks seem to fly by like days, while others take just a little bit longer. But either way, it goes as long as you keep your heart and mind focused on the work and how you can help the people. April fools is today. I played a pretty good trick on one of my Zone Leaders. I live in the same house (yes, i know, it's so weird...una casita. i never imagined saying that on my mission) as my zone leaders and one of them went golfing with my companion, so me and my zone leader stripped the sheets from the bed of the other zone leader and wrapped his mattress in saran-wrap and then put his bed back together. That way, when he lays down, it will make a weird, plasticky sound and he won't know why. We also did his pillow inside his pillow case. It was an idea I had a couple of days before. I'm exicted to see how it goes because he can't take a joke for his life. haha. Luckily it is p-day today, or we wouldn't have had time to do it. There are a lot of things to be grateful for out here. I'm excited and pleased with the chance that I have to serve. Enjoy every day! It's just more fun that way :) hehe

-Elder LaPorte =)

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