Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 63 (Do Believe I Told You So... Jet)

Hey! Hehe, my e-mail comes a day late due to the recent transfers. I have left Tempe to go on to new adventures. The delay in writing comes because of the fact that I was transfered to Show Low, AZ. Perhaps, better-named Snow Low, because it is still snowing. Show Low, a quaint town, is nestled in what is known as "The White Mountains." The ride here is beautiful filled with a view to the left and right of valleys filled with pines without end. Preceding the ascent into the mountains said traveler is favored with a scenic view of the more preferable style of desert; red-rock, tons of cactus speckled with sagebrush and mesquite for miles. All in all, the ride was beautiful. There is a half-frozen pond outside of where I live which is cool to look at when I wake up. We have a cozy gas-stove to heat the guest house that we stay in and my mattress is a lot fluffier. I was overjoyed to see that I would be able to taste a bit of the snow before it is too late. It is likely that I will either be here for 3 months or 6 months (2 or 4 transfers) depending on whether President wants me to go to Mesa in 3. We shall see. For the mean time I will enjoy being here, thickening my blood and getting ready for another summer in the valley. I have had too many experiences out here to ever let me deny that the Lord's hand is in all of this. I will go forward with happiness and faith and seek out the Lord's desires for me here in the White Mountains. I love you all and pray for you. Come closer to Christ. It is the key to lasting happiness in this life.

-Elder LaPorte =)

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