Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 42 (Hold On, There's a Hole In My Heart... Format)

Well, another good week in Maricopa! It seems like our continual efforts to reap and sew are paying off. Two people have committed themselves to better their lives and be baptized. I am thrilled that the Lord has privilaged me to be able to see this moment of success. Also, the branch has been getting stronger too. Families that have not been able to come as often are being blessed with the time and opportunity to come. They are feeling joy and the blessings that come from keeping their covenants that they have made with Heavenly Father. We went to the Temple today. It was SO great! I was looking forward to it more than usual. I met two Elders from the Phoenix Mission that knew Sister Eustice, so I told them to tell her hi. Tomorrow we get to have interviews with President Craig which I am also very excited for. A lot of things will be happening these last few weeks of the transfer and I am jazzed. Our areas, our districts and our zone are being greatly blessed. I love this work and the way that the Lord so mercifully and lovingly rewards us for our diligent faithful efforts. I have no doubt that this is His work. I hope each of you take the time to share the testimony that you have with someone else. Take care and thanks so much for all of your love and support!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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