Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 46 (No Other One...=w=)

Hi there!
Wow, well just a few weeks before Conference! I am VERY excited for that! I didn't get to write much last week and I apologize. I am in transfer #4 in Maricopa and defying the odds. Hehe, not really. It is just that all of the members that I was going. Elder Villlasenor went off to my old area of Queen Creek to join Elder Ries who came out with me. I was talking to Elder Ries and it sounds like the new members there are doing great. My new companion hails from Florida. His name is Elder Bradshaw. He is a very kind, very pure young missionary. He has very sincere desires to serve the Lord and develop his abilities in Spanish. Miracles are already coming about this transfer. On Sunday, we started teaching someone named Paloma, and yesterday, she committed to be baptized. I am excited to see what the next 4 1/2 weeks bring. Some other exciting stuff is that a lot of our good missionary-minded members are coming back from their vacations. It will be exciting to see what friends they can introduce to the gospel! All in all, things are looking great for this transfer. Tomorrow is Zone Conference and friday I get to have one of my good friends Elder Lee join us for the evening. I am excited. Next week will be the Temple so there are just great things in store. I hope all of you are doing well, and stretching yourselves to be what Heavenly Father has planned for you. Make space and priorities for Him in your life and you will be forever blessed. Thanks so much for all of your love and support! Until next week!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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