Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 18 (Lights will guide you home...)

Well hello! I have had a great week! Yesterday, we got to go to the visitor's center at the Mesa Temple with a family. It was a very nice experience, plus, the Temple looked beautiful at night. We have been busy teaching lots of people and trying to help them on their journey to living with Heavenly Father once again. Some of the people that we are teaching are pretty close to baptism and I have been there from the beginning of their lessons and such. What I am finding is how rewarding it is to see people take these simple but essential steps to come closer to God. Probably some of my most tender moments have been when they pray for the first time and express the desires and grattitude of their heart to their Heavenly Father. There is nothing that I would rather be doing right now, and I'm so glad that I can be here. Thanks for all of your love and support! I'll see ya when I see ya!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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