Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Week 36 (Yoooouuu, Aaaarrre... Coldplay)

Hello! Hehe, I must begin my remarks by recounting an experience that Maricopa, Arizona had with the rain. To preface it, I need to tell how I have heard that people in Arizona don't know what to do when it rains. I always thought to myself, "psh, how could that be? it's rain!" Well, last week we had a sudden storm come upon us. Now, I have already experienced a little bit of rain in Arizona so I knew that it would get a little flooded because the earth doesn't absorb it too fast. Well, things flooded alright, but much more than I expected. We decided to go by houses closer to where we live in case something happened. Well, all of the streets in the neighborhood began to flood completely. Trees fell down and lighting and thunder became the ambiance/light show. It is always fun to count the seconds after a flash of lightning till the thunder to see how far away the lightning struck. Well, we were driving in the middle of the street to avoid flooding the engine when suddenly *FLASH/CRACK*!! A milisecond after the flash, the lightning cracked! It was SO bright! HAha. I started screaming because it was more exciting that way, and our hearts were just pumping! Hehe, anyways, I don't know exactly where it cracked, but I learned quickly why they might go crazy when a storm comes. Because everything else goes crazy! It was like a monsoon came, except it was just a storm. HAha, all in all, it was a fun and humorous experience. As far as the work goes, things are moving along. The Lord is blessing us for our efforts with little gems of success where we hadn't expected. Prayers and fasting are seeing things through. Every day is a chance to learn something new and trust in the Lord more. I love it! What a blessing this is to give every moment of the day to my Heavenly Father. I hope that your Independence Day was lots of fun! And even though he will not be able to read this, Welcome to the Mission Elder Clark!! Until next time...!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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