Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 39 (On a Sunday... Jimmy)

HeLLo, hello! Hehe, well, welcome to round 3 of Maricopa, AZ! Hmm, for starters, I saw my first snake last week. It was not a rattle snake or anything, so now worries. It was kind of bleeding at the mouth, so it must have gotten in a fight. I thought I would have seen a snake a lot sooner considering all of the desert that I travel through here. The little Maricopa 3rd branch is doing well here. Elder Villasenor and I have made a concerted effort to go and contact all of the members that do not come to church. We still have a few more to find out in the desert, but that is about it. The member that I will mention this week is Flor. She is a very kind single Mother with two children. She was baptized back in December and has been a great strength to the branch. If you smile at all she thinks that you are laughing at her or something that is funny, even if you are just happy. 2 weeks back she was able to go to the Temple for her first time and do baptisms for the dead. She loved it and it really strengthened her testimony. Today we are going to help her put a fan in her house that she bought, because it gets so hot in her house, that she can't cook during the day without boiling up the place. Flor is was baptized by my former companion, Elder Weller. We are glad to have her in the branch. Being here in Maricopa has really helped me enjoy getting to know the members. You get to know all of them and you love them so much. I am excited to be able to continue to serve here in Maricopa and help the branch grow. This work is inspired and will go forth until it is completed, just as Joseph Smith prophesied in the Standard of Truth. I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior, and I love each of you. Thanks for everything!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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