Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 77 (We're Gonna Stay 18 Forever... braNdEW)

Well good afternoon from Mesa, Arizona! In light of my title this week, tomorrow will mark my 18 months in the mission. It is kind of weird to consider. When I try to think of life before the mission, it seems like something distant and far. When I think of the time spent thus far, it feels as though it has been far shorter. It seems as though the more you feel that you know what you're doing as a missionary, the less time you feel you have each day. I'm not sure if that makes sense to any of you, but it makes perfect sense to me. I wish the days went slower but irregardless, we still seem to be able to do what is needed. It just doesn't feel like it. The work here is going really nicely. It is a completely different pace from the work up on the mountains: 1. it being the mountains and 2. it being english work. Down here I definitely do feel more in my zone in the Spanish world. I love the people and I love all the chances that I get to speak to those I meet. There are a good number of people preparing themselves for baptism and I'm excited for that. I'm also excited to see who else the Lord will put into our path through our own efforts and those of the members. This last weekend I was privileged to go to a baptism of the son of Cris. Cris was someone whom I taught that got baptized shortly after I went up to Show Low. Not long after, her daughter did the same. This last weekend her oldest child, Cristian, was baptized and I got to go. It was nice to be able to make up for the missed baptism before and to be able to see the wonderful things happening to their family. I don't know how many people came but it seemed as though at least 20 people came that had not been baptized yet; many were friends of Cristian. It was great to see their enthusiasm in inviting everyone they knew to come and partake of such a special event. I am excited to hear about the many great things that they do to bring others into the fold. The more I do this the more my testimony grows of the truthfulness of this work. That God and Jesus Christ are guiding us to carry out their purposes here on the earth. I meet people daily who tell me to go home and re-think what I know and what I have learned. Every time I do, I am strengthened. It is real. It is true. It is wonderful. I hope that you all enjoy yourselves this week as we enter the best month of the year! Haha.

-Elder LaPorte =)

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