Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 79 (Try Again... Keane)

Every 6 Weeks in missions around the world there is a certain that comes to all known as transfers. To some it may mean another 6 weeks stay in the same place to see what more they can do, for others it may mean new places, new people and new challenges and for all it means another chance that we have to give our all to the Lord as we seek to fulfill our purpose by bringing others unto Christ; another chance to try again. As time has gone by, I have been thinking more and more of how central the Atonement of Jesus Christ is in our lives. I have always known it, but I have been able to see more and more, why. The more I look for it the more I see a need for a chance to try again. Jesus Christ offers us that chance daily as we simply turn to the Lord in humble prayer, ask forgiveness, resolving to be better and stronger than before. Then, on Sunday we partake of the sacrament worthily to renew our baptismal covenants with our Father in Heaven and determine to endure to the end. This cleansing and refreshing of our efforts to do good is not something that should be delayed, nor sporadic; but daily and sincerely done. Waiting to let the Atonement work in our lives is like waiting to relieve the weight of sin. If put off too long, we break, unable to handle the burden of a price already paid. Our Savior took that burden upon Himself so that we might not have to do it alone. As we go unto Him, it is promised that He will make our burdens light. Daily use of this gift leaves our spirits feeling light, full of joy and happy. I have felt this power work in my life. I know it is real. I pray that each of us can work to better understand how this gift plays such a crucial role in our daily lives. Take care and enjoy the weather!

-Elder LaPorte =)

p.s. This last Sunday Blanca and her son, Anthony were baptized and confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a wonderful experience for all present. She is from Guatemala which is pretty cool. We have a few people that plan on being baptized this weekend along with a Mother's Day breakfast, A Temple Sealing and a wedding of one of the people being baptized. It will be a busy and exciting Saturday ;)

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