Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 80 (Oh, Think Twice... Copeland)

Good Afternoon! Today I find myself in the Mesa Community Library because The MCC (Mesa Community College) where we normally go is closed until May 31st. This will be transfer 2 in Mesa Arizona and it will be a short one. Do to the coming in of the new President, this transfer is cut to 5 weeks. Everything will happen, just a little faster. Due to my tardiness in e-mailing, you might see that there was a transfer in my companionship. Elder Stroh, for his last transfer, went to Maricopa to be a District Leader there. He was torn. Happy to go but sad to leave. My new companion is Elder Ries. He is from Boise on the Meridian edge. If you remember from a long time ago, he was one of the four missionaries in my MTC room. He was companions with Elder Nielsen while I was companions with Elder Scott. He has been lots of places doing lots of good things so it will be exciting to serve with him. The branch here is really close and so it was hard for them to see him go. Speaking of which, I don't think I mentioned this last week, but the branch on Sunday was changed to a ward. Our former branch mission leader was called to be the Bishop. His name is Bishop Merino from El Salvador. There is a lot more diversity in this ward than in other areas that I have served. Perhaps the one to equal it would be Queen Creek. This next transfer there will be a lot of work to do. The biggest task will be finding. We need lots of new people to teach. I am excited to be able to put my faith in the Lord as we work and He provides a way. Faith and a positive outlook are keys to making this work move along; as well as anything in life. You have to believe things are going to happen and work like it too. I know that the Lord will always bless us as we strive our best for what is right. It may be hard, and even sometimes unappealing, but our love for the Lord and our Heavenly Father can pull us through. 100% of the time. Take care and good luck with finals or whatever else you have to do! This weekend we will be watching the dedication of the Gila Valley Temple! Bye!
-Elder LaPorte =)

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