Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 83 (Simple Pages... =w=)

Hey! This week has gone by way too fast. It seems as though they all do now-a-days. Today we had the chance to go to the Temple and as always, it was a wonderful experience. We started teaching a really nice young couple this last week. We had met them a few weeks before but simply couldn't touch bases with them for a little while. They came to church on Sunday and really enjoyed themselves. We hope to help them get married and enter the waters of baptism soon. There have been other people coming and going, some more interested than others. As always, the search continues, and in the end it is truly a joy; being able to find those that truly want to know what is right. And either way, regardless of the results it builds our testimonies and makes us stronger. We have a new Ward Mission Leader. His name is Hno. Valquinto. He is from Argentina and he is very well prepared. We went to meet with him expecting to have to explain certain things to him, but he already knew it. It was very refreshing. I am excited to see what rolls forth as he sets the standards and goals for missionary work with Bishop Merino. Tomorrow we have Interviews with President Craig. It is my last one with him. *Bitter-sweet* He has been a great influence on me over the year and a half that I have known him. What I am most excited for is the work that is rolling forth in Arizona. We continue to set goals with the Lord and they continue to be met. The lessons that I am learning about levels of discipline and the happiness and success that can come from it, is something that I am very grateful for. For any of you that haven't updated me for a while on the events in your lives, feel free to send me a letter! I would love to know how you're doing! Take care! Read and pray daily; simple but essential.

-Elder LaPorte =)

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