Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 85 (Hello, Good Friend... T.R.S.)

Hey! Transfers were this week! They came a week early to prepare for the arrival of our new Mission President. I saw President & Sister Craig for the last time today. (last time for a little while at least...) Spurred from a few thoughts that I expressed to my Dad in regards to Father's Day, I was caused to reflect upon the blessing I have had in receiving such good parents, and why it was so. Through the time that I have been out here and the many, many families I have seen and known, the resounding factor for success, joy, and true happiness has been an active living of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have seen too many families that could have been, shattered. I could go on for a while with the many things that I have seen. And each time when I see something happen, whether divorce, infidelity or what-have-you, I sit and try and think of would I could give them, or what would have prevented it. Every time, I know the answer is the Gospel. When you truly know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is guided by a Loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Himself, it makes sense. It makes sense that the teachings contained within this church make things work out. It makes sense the love is found and shown as it should be. That children are had and raised as they should be. That happiness is had and lasts as it should. Because Jesus Christ is guiding our family and blessing it as we follow His counsel. For those who have not read "The Family, A Proclamation to the World," do it. Find it what your role is in bringing true happiness to your live. As the Savior said, we will never thirst when we drink from His waters. We will never be searching for something more. I know it is true and I am grateful for the special care that God has placed over my family through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope you all enjoy your weeks and become what you hope to be!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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