Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 84 (Black Hole Sun... Copeland)

Good Morning! I haven't spoken of the weather lately but it has been interesting! Normally about a month and a half ago, we would be dancing around 100 and by now for sure set in the 100-110's. However, due to a long winter, summer has come slower and less potently to our desert home here in Arizona. It has been really nice. I couldn't tell you what it has been most of the time but probably in between 90 and 105 which is nice. Hehe, anyways, things have been good here. This weekend we will be having the wedding of a young lady by the name of Alma. She will then be getting baptized the following week. She is a really neat person. As we approach the end of our time with President Craig. We had interviews with him last Thurs and they were really nice. I remember thinking about this day but thinking it was a ways off. Oh well. Hehe, it's here. Nothing to do but go forward and do it for the Lord. One thing that I have been noticing lately is the Lord trying to teach me of a greater level of faith. Sometimes the thing that we have faith in, for example, that something which we need to happen will happen. Sometimes, a moment comes and goes and we think that that was it; that was the moment that the Lord would have answered my needs or answered my question, so if not then, then I guess it just isn't meant to happen. I have been realizing more how the Lord expects our faith to stretch even farther. If the Lord doesn't answer in such and such moment, it doesn't mean that the chance has come and gone. It means that He is giving us a chance to believe even harder and work even harder; a greater chance for miracles. I don't know if this makes sense but I have just noticed how not only do we have to endure to the end, but also endure to the end our trials to the very end, working and believing till the very end. That is when we will see the Lord shower His blessings on us and reward us for our faith. I love being out here. I love being able to watch people understand that the Lord's church is on the earth again for our benefit so that we might be happy in this life and return to live in joy with our Father in Heaven in the life that follows. It is all true. Every last part of it. I hope each of you are doing well! I hope to hear from ya! Thanks for the love and support that you already do send.

-Elder LaPorte =)

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