Monday, December 15, 2008

Week 7 (Do you hear what I hear? (you know what version ;) )

So for starters, let me talk about some recent events. Sister Butterfield came in this weekend which was one of the joys of my week. Elder Forsen and I have been waiting the whole time for her to come so that was fun. She eats at the same time as us. Wes, in case he hasn't told you, I've had two lessons already with Brother Aidukaitis in the TEC. We have some good meetings. Thanks to all for your Christmas cards, they are much appreciated! I had a great testimony builder this week of trials. Every time I get interviewed I usually find myself talking about how grateful I am to be here and for the opportunities that I am getting here in the MTC. Last thurs in my interview with my teacher, Hermano Osuna, I was really able to reflect on trials and the blessing they are. Not that I have ever doubted that the Lord is with me in my trials but I have a newfound appreciation for trials that makes me want them all the time. In trying to give some words of encouragement to another Elder the thought of trials came to me in this way- Trials are kind of like lifting weights. If you think about it, lifting weights is a pain. It hurts, it's tiring, and you feel like sore rubber after. The only reason you do it is because of what you know will happen. Our muscles break down to build up stronger and in the end we have a nice new body. If it weren't for that fact, I doubt anybody would ever lift weights. Trials in our lives can be the same way. Sometimes they seem hard. Sometimes they seem painful. And they are...however, if we try and think about what we will become because of them, how much easier would it be, and how much more willing would we be to endure them? There are people that love to lift weights. And similarly, we can love trials! By seeing what they help us become, and keeping in mind why we are here on this earth, (to be like our Father in Heaven and return to live with Him) what trial would we NOT want? Trials are our Heavenly Fathers way of helping us be like Him. Without them we will never progress, grow and become stronger and more divine beings. I'm grateful for trials and the blessings that they are. That was my little realization this week. This experience is great. It seems as though there are always things to learn here if I open my eyes to them. What a blessing it is to serve and to be served in doing so. I leave in two weeks so keep that in mind when sending letters and such. In case I forget, Merry Christmas!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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