Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 53 (Semi-Charmed...T.E.B.)

Hello from Tempe!
Well, as I said, this last week for Halloween we were not allowed to proselyte after 6:00 p.m. so my companion and I went to the Trunk-Or-Treat party at the Church so that we could meet all of the new people there. It was fun to be able to talk to everyone from the branch and see everyone in their costumes. We found a few people for the other spanish Elders and the Sisters to teach. None for us. Hehe. But it was good. President and Sister Craig also came by because it is right next to the mission home. There was a sister from the branch making posole that was really good. I didn't get the chance to try some but I heard that it was amazing. Then on Sunday we had a nice meeting with the Branch President where we talked about a program that we are making to present to the branch on the last week of November to help increase the missionary work in the branch. Elder Shiffler and I are pretty excited about and hope that it will be able to bring success and joy to the members. I heard that this January transfer we will be receiving 8 or 9 spanish missionaries. For one transfer that is a TON. The work is difficult here but in a different way. It will be fun to see what we can do to find the elect here. I am enjoying the city atmosphere, a nice clean apartment, and a cheery companion. The Lord always blesses us and gives us what we need, when we need it. I know that this work is real and true and that a testimony has the power to change lives. Take care! Thanks so much for your support!

-Elder LaPorte =)

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