Happy New Years Eve! If I remember correctly the title of the blog that my brother is keeping, it says, "Live, from Tempe..." Hehe, it is more or less true now! I arrived in Tempe yesterday where I was greeted by President Craig (my mission president), his wife and some others right when I got out of the security line. We then went to the mission home where we met all of the people that help in the mission office. However, just before that we had lunch which several ladies made for us. It was sOOo good! Eventually, we went to go visit the Mesa Temple and walk around it. I really liked it, it's pretty. Then we came back and had dinner provided by some people of a nearby ward. Once again, it was delicious. Then we went and stayed the night in a house of members from the local ward. I was assigned to be with Elder Moreno and go to the Roach's house. They are an older couple that lives together. They were very kind and had much to say. We were able to share a spiritual thought with them. I slept like a baby that night because I had gotten up at 4 that morning. They made us breakfast and then we met up at the church with our trainers. That is where I met Elder Suarez who is my trainer. We also have Elder Johnston with us who will be leaving to go home in two weeks. We will be in the Queen Creek Zone. I am very excited. We drive cars here so don't worry about my bike Mom. I'll probably get it half way through this transfer period. Thanks for all of your support! I'll give you my address and pictures next wed! ByE!
-Elder LaPorte =)
p.s. my p-day is on Wednesdays
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Week 9 (So this is the New Year...)
Hey! So, this is it! my last e-mail from the MTC! Christmas was great! Christmas Eve we had Elder Bednar and Christmas morning we had Elder Holland. The security job was fun. I got to guard the stage after Elder Holland spoke while he left. I felt strange because it took them a while to stand up and leave so everyone was looking at me. We got to shovel snow for his car and stuff. It was really cool because when Elder Bednar came, we got to shake his hand. This week was such a great experience but kind of a dream, knowing that I would be leaving so soon. I don't have time to write much, but to say that I have thouroughly enjoyed my experience here at the MTC. It has been such a blessing and I look forward to serving in Tempe. I hope that your Christmas went well, and Happy New year!!
-Elder LaPorte =)
-Elder LaPorte =)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Week 8 (Can you still feel the butterflies...)
Hey! Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas!!
As you might have guessed/known, I'm writing from the MTC. I guess you could say that this is my Christmas e-mail. First-off, crazy trivia...I leave a week from tomorrow to the hot aRizona sun! hehe, all of the Elders in my group are way excited. We learned all that we were required to learn as far as spanish goes so we've just been reviewing and practicing. Thanks so much for the Christmas cards and packages! I very much enjoy them. I'd like to mention today an event that really helped me know that God listens to us and cares for us. I'll be quoting from my journal-
"Yesterday was a great experience. For a while I've been admiring stories from members of my Branch Presidency when they talk about moments where the Spirit has directed them in very specific ways. Por ejemplo, Brother Worthington was talking one time about his experience as a Stake President how at times, (when prompted by the Spirit) he would a take a ride in his car through the boundaries of his stake and when the Spirit would direct, stop at a house. He said that pretty much every time he did this, something was needed. I've often wondered what it must feel like to have the Spirit to direct in such a specific way. For myself, I knew how to follow feelings from the Spirit and some thoughts as well, but I wondered what something that that would feel like. Yesterday, when talking to Hermana Bahlman in an interview, I remembered my admiration for President Monson when he said that he always wanted to be worthy of the Spirit and be disciplined enough to listen to the Spirit and act when the Lord needs him to bless someone else. I have wanted that for myself too, but wasnt' sure if I'd ever know what it would feel like. Well, last night, when getting ready to do some stuff with my companion elder scott, I got the impression to go visit the new district that had just come in that week. I told him we should go and so we did. We didn't know who or what was needed, I just felt like we should do it. I figured someone just needed a "Hi" or a smile. We went to the first room with some members of the new district, and no sooner had we opened the door and said hi, did one of them start to cry. I knew then that the Lord was willing to bless me with an opportunity to fulfill my desires and bless that Elder who need comfort. The Lord loves us. this work is Great. Merry Christmas! Love ya'll!
-Elder LaPorte
As you might have guessed/known, I'm writing from the MTC. I guess you could say that this is my Christmas e-mail. First-off, crazy trivia...I leave a week from tomorrow to the hot aRizona sun! hehe, all of the Elders in my group are way excited. We learned all that we were required to learn as far as spanish goes so we've just been reviewing and practicing. Thanks so much for the Christmas cards and packages! I very much enjoy them. I'd like to mention today an event that really helped me know that God listens to us and cares for us. I'll be quoting from my journal-
"Yesterday was a great experience. For a while I've been admiring stories from members of my Branch Presidency when they talk about moments where the Spirit has directed them in very specific ways. Por ejemplo, Brother Worthington was talking one time about his experience as a Stake President how at times, (when prompted by the Spirit) he would a take a ride in his car through the boundaries of his stake and when the Spirit would direct, stop at a house. He said that pretty much every time he did this, something was needed. I've often wondered what it must feel like to have the Spirit to direct in such a specific way. For myself, I knew how to follow feelings from the Spirit and some thoughts as well, but I wondered what something that that would feel like. Yesterday, when talking to Hermana Bahlman in an interview, I remembered my admiration for President Monson when he said that he always wanted to be worthy of the Spirit and be disciplined enough to listen to the Spirit and act when the Lord needs him to bless someone else. I have wanted that for myself too, but wasnt' sure if I'd ever know what it would feel like. Well, last night, when getting ready to do some stuff with my companion elder scott, I got the impression to go visit the new district that had just come in that week. I told him we should go and so we did. We didn't know who or what was needed, I just felt like we should do it. I figured someone just needed a "Hi" or a smile. We went to the first room with some members of the new district, and no sooner had we opened the door and said hi, did one of them start to cry. I knew then that the Lord was willing to bless me with an opportunity to fulfill my desires and bless that Elder who need comfort. The Lord loves us. this work is Great. Merry Christmas! Love ya'll!
-Elder LaPorte
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Week 7 (Do you hear what I hear? (you know what version ;) )
So for starters, let me talk about some recent events. Sister Butterfield came in this weekend which was one of the joys of my week. Elder Forsen and I have been waiting the whole time for her to come so that was fun. She eats at the same time as us. Wes, in case he hasn't told you, I've had two lessons already with Brother Aidukaitis in the TEC. We have some good meetings. Thanks to all for your Christmas cards, they are much appreciated! I had a great testimony builder this week of trials. Every time I get interviewed I usually find myself talking about how grateful I am to be here and for the opportunities that I am getting here in the MTC. Last thurs in my interview with my teacher, Hermano Osuna, I was really able to reflect on trials and the blessing they are. Not that I have ever doubted that the Lord is with me in my trials but I have a newfound appreciation for trials that makes me want them all the time. In trying to give some words of encouragement to another Elder the thought of trials came to me in this way- Trials are kind of like lifting weights. If you think about it, lifting weights is a pain. It hurts, it's tiring, and you feel like sore rubber after. The only reason you do it is because of what you know will happen. Our muscles break down to build up stronger and in the end we have a nice new body. If it weren't for that fact, I doubt anybody would ever lift weights. Trials in our lives can be the same way. Sometimes they seem hard. Sometimes they seem painful. And they are...however, if we try and think about what we will become because of them, how much easier would it be, and how much more willing would we be to endure them? There are people that love to lift weights. And similarly, we can love trials! By seeing what they help us become, and keeping in mind why we are here on this earth, (to be like our Father in Heaven and return to live with Him) what trial would we NOT want? Trials are our Heavenly Fathers way of helping us be like Him. Without them we will never progress, grow and become stronger and more divine beings. I'm grateful for trials and the blessings that they are. That was my little realization this week. This experience is great. It seems as though there are always things to learn here if I open my eyes to them. What a blessing it is to serve and to be served in doing so. I leave in two weeks so keep that in mind when sending letters and such. In case I forget, Merry Christmas!
-Elder LaPorte =)
-Elder LaPorte =)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Week 6 (Just another day for you and me in paradise...)
First off, congratulations to Daniel Barnes and Cassandra-almost-Barnes!! I'm so happy! expect something from me soon. Next, for those of you who don't know, trinidad in spanish means the trinity but it also means the Godhead. I remembered this talk that an elder gave saying that the Godhead was real but he was speaking in spanish and he said, "Yo se que la trinidad es verdadera,uhhh, si, trinidad, pero, no trinidad." haha, it was funny. For those of you from San Jose who know him, it was Elder Hall. He ended up in my zone in the CCM (MTC). I had an awesome experience in the Referral Center this week. A lady called wanting to know about the church because her 21 year old son had recently joined and wanted to know more about it before going to church herself. she said her son was too busy to tell her much so she was calling to order a Book of Mormon and to ask questions. She was one of the most prepared people I have ever seen. To give an example of the kind of woman she was, I will tell you this. When I was taking down her contact information to be able to send the Book of Mormon to her, she told me that her apartment number was #3. Then she quickly corrected herself and said, "Oh, #5!" I said, " Good thing you caught that. I'd hate for it to go to the wrong place," to which she quickly replied, " If it went somewhere else it would not be an accident." She was a woman of great faith. When I read her some verses from the Book of Mormon about prayer in Alma, she was immediately touched and began talking about the way she felt when I read it. She started describing the feelings of the Holy Ghost. I was able to direct her to Galatians 5:22 to help her understand that. I proceeded to tell her about Prophets, apostasies, dispensations, Christ's ministry and Atonement, the Great Apostasy and the Restoration. After that I committed her to pray to Heavenly Father to know if Joseph Smith's account of the First Vision was true and if Christ's Church indeed was restored on the earth today and was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She said she would. I then said, "Ruthie, if you find that these things are true, would you be willing to take the next step and be baptized?" She said yes. It was scary for me to ask her that but the thought popped into my head so I knew I had to. I was amazed by her response. I'm going to call her tonight to see if the missionaries have contacted her yet. Anyways, it was awesome to say the least.
When we taught in the TRC it was funny because now we teach everything in Spanish and so we have spanish volunteers who we teach to. Well, the lady we taught didn't know ANY english and she spoke so fast, it made it a real challenge. But a good one. Elder Scott and I just laughed about it afterwards. One part of that lesson that made it funny was when we were recounting the first vision, Elder Scott decided to take that part until all of a sudden, when we quote Joseph Smith's account, he turned to me to say it. It totally caught me off guard. I had barely got it down in spanish that morning and, ya. I went for it and did alright until Elder Scott messed me up because he was trying to follow along in the scriptures and he skipped a sentence and told me the wrong thing. haha, it was funny because he was no help. We laughed about that too. Anyways, the work is going good and the spanish is coming along. It is hard to apply all of the verb tenses like "haber + gerunds" and subjunctives. That's why we try to speak all that we can. I told my teacher I'd speak only Spanish this week. It's been 3 days and it's been hard. haha, but it pays off. those times that I try really hard to only speak spanish, I remember the most. This work is great and the Lord's Blessing is seen every step of the way. Take care! See you soon Hermana Butterfield!
-Elder LaPorte =)
When we taught in the TRC it was funny because now we teach everything in Spanish and so we have spanish volunteers who we teach to. Well, the lady we taught didn't know ANY english and she spoke so fast, it made it a real challenge. But a good one. Elder Scott and I just laughed about it afterwards. One part of that lesson that made it funny was when we were recounting the first vision, Elder Scott decided to take that part until all of a sudden, when we quote Joseph Smith's account, he turned to me to say it. It totally caught me off guard. I had barely got it down in spanish that morning and, ya. I went for it and did alright until Elder Scott messed me up because he was trying to follow along in the scriptures and he skipped a sentence and told me the wrong thing. haha, it was funny because he was no help. We laughed about that too. Anyways, the work is going good and the spanish is coming along. It is hard to apply all of the verb tenses like "haber + gerunds" and subjunctives. That's why we try to speak all that we can. I told my teacher I'd speak only Spanish this week. It's been 3 days and it's been hard. haha, but it pays off. those times that I try really hard to only speak spanish, I remember the most. This work is great and the Lord's Blessing is seen every step of the way. Take care! See you soon Hermana Butterfield!
-Elder LaPorte =)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Week 5 (Testing the Strong Ones...)
Hey! O boy, I can't say enough about the way my heart is full. I'll start with mentioning the people that I have run into this week. I saw Elder Jolley (lizzy, it was weird seeing him with short hair.) I saw Elder Leyland, Elder Grober, Elder Hingson and Elder Brereton. I don't know why I didn't mention Elder Brereton last week. I must have been too rushed to think about it while writing my e-mail last week. I saw Elder Brereton the day that he arrived. He lives in the same building as me but the floor below so I can basically see him in the evening any day I want. I got us all together (Elder Faulk, Brereton and myself) to take a picture by the world map on thanksgiving day. It was a nice moment.
Moving on...tons of great things are happening here. Thanksgiving was good. We had Elder Neuenschwander speak to us and he had lots of good stuff to say. It really suprises me how much I learn and my heart is touched every week. What a blessing this mission is. To set up what I will talk about next it would help to mention that last Sunday, Elder Scott and I became Zone leaders. I think I forgot to mention that last week. I mention it to explain the feelings of my heart as I serve the missionaries in my zone. It's no joke when they say that you end up with ALL kinds of Elders out here. I'm finding that regardless of the kind of person they are,my love for them grows as I serve them. In interviewing the district leaders this last week my heart was filled with grattitude as I realized that blessing it is to have leaders that truly try and follow God's direction. There is a certain mantle and revelation that leaders are entitled to as they are called and as I have tried to listen to the Spirit to know how to best serve these Elders and Sisters it has made me greatful for the leaders in my life. When a leader is truly seeking inspiration from the Lord it is a comforting thing because we aren't really in the hands of that person who was called to look after us, but rather, we are in the hands of the Lord. I am grateful for leaders who strive to follow the Spirit and for the chance that I have to try and be the same source by which blessings flow for each of the missionaries that I serve. This work is great and I can't even imagine how I will continue to grow in the next 23 months. It has only been one month and I'm blown away. I love the Lord and I love this work. Take care and Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
-Elder LaPorte
p.s. thanksgiving rendered me even more grateful than I usually am. it was nice.
Moving on...tons of great things are happening here. Thanksgiving was good. We had Elder Neuenschwander speak to us and he had lots of good stuff to say. It really suprises me how much I learn and my heart is touched every week. What a blessing this mission is. To set up what I will talk about next it would help to mention that last Sunday, Elder Scott and I became Zone leaders. I think I forgot to mention that last week. I mention it to explain the feelings of my heart as I serve the missionaries in my zone. It's no joke when they say that you end up with ALL kinds of Elders out here. I'm finding that regardless of the kind of person they are,my love for them grows as I serve them. In interviewing the district leaders this last week my heart was filled with grattitude as I realized that blessing it is to have leaders that truly try and follow God's direction. There is a certain mantle and revelation that leaders are entitled to as they are called and as I have tried to listen to the Spirit to know how to best serve these Elders and Sisters it has made me greatful for the leaders in my life. When a leader is truly seeking inspiration from the Lord it is a comforting thing because we aren't really in the hands of that person who was called to look after us, but rather, we are in the hands of the Lord. I am grateful for leaders who strive to follow the Spirit and for the chance that I have to try and be the same source by which blessings flow for each of the missionaries that I serve. This work is great and I can't even imagine how I will continue to grow in the next 23 months. It has only been one month and I'm blown away. I love the Lord and I love this work. Take care and Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
-Elder LaPorte
p.s. thanksgiving rendered me even more grateful than I usually am. it was nice.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Week 4 (Meet me on the other side of the block...)
P.s. Before I get started I'll just let you know that the things that I write in the subject are song titles or lyrics. I'm not really trying to meet someone on the other side of the block and I don't think about those songs during the week either. haha, I just type what comes to mind when I write the subject.
First things first. Last tuesday, for the evening devotional, Elder Holland came and spoke. It was amazing! all of the talks are, but it was definitely inspiring. There was a funny moment in class this week. We were "fake contacting" in class and the scene was my companion and I were investigators playing with a tape ball that we made, pretendingn to play soccer. The two Elders that were making an "approach" came up and one of them, trying to play with us,tried to stop the ball, but instead, smashed it. it was really funny to us, because that was totally NOT how to hit it off with contacting. haha. anyways, the other main thing I'd like to talk about is my scripture for my missionary placque. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it. I just wanted to find one that's meaningful. Alma 26:12. The TRC is where we go and teach a lesson that we've been preparing for all week. We go each week. This week was another great experience. Throughout the week I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it because there are a lot of details to learn about the Plan of Salvation which is lesson 2 in PMG. Anyways, we barely got through preparing and when Saturday came, (our TRC day) it was great. I was able to say everything that I needed to exactly how they needed to hear me. The Spirit was so strong and I felt as though I could do anything. My testimony grew about how we are capable of anything through the Lord and his blessing through the Holy Spirit. I am so excited to see what works the Lord has planned for me as I go out to serve in Tempe. I know that I can do anything that He asks of me. This week was great. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!
-Elder LaPorte =)
First things first. Last tuesday, for the evening devotional, Elder Holland came and spoke. It was amazing! all of the talks are, but it was definitely inspiring. There was a funny moment in class this week. We were "fake contacting" in class and the scene was my companion and I were investigators playing with a tape ball that we made, pretendingn to play soccer. The two Elders that were making an "approach" came up and one of them, trying to play with us,tried to stop the ball, but instead, smashed it. it was really funny to us, because that was totally NOT how to hit it off with contacting. haha. anyways, the other main thing I'd like to talk about is my scripture for my missionary placque. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it. I just wanted to find one that's meaningful. Alma 26:12. The TRC is where we go and teach a lesson that we've been preparing for all week. We go each week. This week was another great experience. Throughout the week I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it because there are a lot of details to learn about the Plan of Salvation which is lesson 2 in PMG. Anyways, we barely got through preparing and when Saturday came, (our TRC day) it was great. I was able to say everything that I needed to exactly how they needed to hear me. The Spirit was so strong and I felt as though I could do anything. My testimony grew about how we are capable of anything through the Lord and his blessing through the Holy Spirit. I am so excited to see what works the Lord has planned for me as I go out to serve in Tempe. I know that I can do anything that He asks of me. This week was great. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!
-Elder LaPorte =)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Week 3 (Just watch the fireworks)
Hey, so I just got back from doing laundry. This week has been great. There is so much that I'm learning here at the MTC. The things that I am experiencing are rendering me deeply grateful for what this experience has been thus far and what it will continue to be. I have found great comfort in the Savior these past few weeks as I have had things to deal with. For the first week and a half - two weeks my companion was really homesick. In trying to prepare lessons and study with him was very difficult. He was very close to going home on several occassions but he has pulled through as I prayed he would. Dealing with this and my repsonsibilities of looking after my district have left me with little time to worry about myself. However, because of my relationship with my Savior it has been a wonderful experience. Times like these reaffirm to me over and over again that I am never alone and that I always have a friend and advocate. I love my Savior for this reason and so much more. My testimony is growing and I feel the spirit constantly. On a lighter note, this week was good. We had a zone conference and my companion and I taught the lesson in the district meeting this sunday. For those of you who know her, I saw sister Eustice finally. She actually eats during my meal time so I see her everyday. One time she was walking by where I ate and because she hadn't seen where I ate yet, I called her name out. She said hi, how are you? And I said this is where I sit! My district thought it was SO funny and busted up laughing because they thought I froze up or something becaue she's a girl. I tried to explain that it was far from that and that I just really wanted her to know where I ate because I already knew where she ate! Anyways, it was funny. I'm running out of time. IT's funny because they say I will have even less time to do things out in the field. Haha, that means I won't be writing much. JK. Time does fly by though. Thanks for all of the letters of inspiration and fun! See you next week!Love you fam!
-Elder LaPorte =)
-Elder LaPorte =)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Week 2 (Today's been a career day...)
Hey! Ya, so I spent FOREVER trying to read your essays, but I had to stop so I could get something written. I only get 30 minutes. This week we taught the first lesson. We started my meeting 3 groups of people in a "park" , introducing ourselves, bearing testimony and setting up appointments in spanish. it was way fun teaching! I was Way calm and I felt the spirit SO strong. This work is great as long as faith is in the procecss. I have gym everday except for sunday's and my p-day which is today. I play four-square. Talk to you next week!
-Elder LaPorte =)
p.s. it snowed last week.
-Elder LaPorte =)
p.s. it snowed last week.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Week 1
Hey! it's me from the MTC! the computer is so hard to get to because it's in the laundry room and really hard to get a free one so I only have a few minutes. It has been a great week! Every day that I'm here I realize more and more that this is where I am supposed to be. The food is good, despite what some people might say. The Bookstore has pretty much everything you'd need and it's wAy cheap. I went to the temple today. It was nice. Mi companero es Elder Scott from Riverton Utah. I'm the District Leader for my district and I'm loving the opportunity that I have to serve the elders with me. As I do so I feel my love grow for them. The work is going well. Spanish is fun. Suprisingly, I haven't run into anything that I haven't learned yet, so I'm able to help the other Elders out. they call me El Profesor. Haha, I don't like superior titles like that but w/e. I take it because I know that they do it out of love. If anyone knows Amanda Engerbretsin (sp?) and sees this...tell her that I saw her sister on Sunday (yesterday) She gave the closing prayer at the fireside. I have also seen Elder Faulk, Elder Carter, Elder Isaaksen and Elder Forsen and a few others. It's a great place and a great experience. I'm LOVING it! There is always work to be done to fill my heart solely with a love for this work and for my Savior. I'm grateful for this program and the way that it blessses us as we follow its guidelines with exactness. This work is real and it is true! I love each one of you! PEaCE!
-Elder LaPorte :)
-Elder LaPorte :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
1st Contact
I got my first letter from Elder LaPorte this week. It was short saying that he is very excited and happy. Also he was made district leader so he has some responsibility right off the bat! He will take care of his boys! =)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
To the MTC
Well, Trenton is off! We dropped him off at the MTC in Provo on Wednesday the 29th of October...it was bitter-sweet! We miss him! Here are some pictures!






The night before, an Elder now, but still in street clothes.
In front of the MTC
I love this tag!
There is one door for the missionaries, and another for the family!
There he is and will be until Dec. 30th, 2008...then off to Tempe!
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